Digital Competitions

September 2021

General Rules – PDI Competitions

1  In all competitions (unless notified in advance by the committee)  all elements of an image must be the original work of the author. Thus inclusion of clip-art and royalty-free images is not permitted.  For clarity, copying other media whatsoever (whether digital or printed) is not permitted – in whole or in part.  (Please note – copying also includes any down loads).

2  All images will be projected digitally.  Transparencies may be scanned and entered as digital images.

3  Colour or monochrome images may be entered – unless a particular competition specifies otherwise.

4  All images must be submitted to the Projected Image Secretary in the manner specified below.   The Projected Image Secretary has the right (i) to refuse late entries, and (ii) to reject images which in his/her  discretion (or in consultation with the committee) are ineligible.

5  In all competitions which take place in the course of one evening and in which numerical marks are awarded there can be only two joint winners.  In the event of a tie involving three or more competitors the judge will be invited to select an overall winning entry from the tied entries.  However – a tie will be permitted in the Norman Wilkinson Projected Image Competition.

6  Where there is one competition on an evening members may enter up to three images.  Where there are two competitions in one evening, each member may enter two images for each competition. (This does not apply if there are both Print and Projected Image League Competitions on the same evening, in which three images may be entered in each competition).     The Committee has the right to change the number of projected images that may be entered in any competition.

7  Trophies for all competitions shall be held for 12 months.  The trophy winner will be asked to pay half the cost of engraving the trophy.  The Club will organise the engraving.

Digital submissions

1  Images for club competitions must be presented as prescribed below.  If they are not – the Projected Image Secretary has the right to reject their inclusion in the relevant competition(s).

2  Entries may be submitted in one of two ways:  (i) brought to the club on memory sticks, DVDs or other portable media by the Friday prior to the competition date; or (ii) emailed to the Projected Image Secretary ( as an email attachment by the Tuesday prior to the competition date.

3   Members must comply with the submission criteria specified below – with particular regard to image sizing and labelling.   The criteria are required for the projection software to function.   It is a formidable task for the Projected Image Secretary if s/he has to re-size or re-title many of the submitted images:

A – Image sizing:  No images shall be wider than 1600 pixels or higher than 1200 pixels.  (NB This means that for “portrait” oriented images and “square” images – neither format should be higher than 1200 pixels.)

1400 x  1050 images will also be accepted although members should note that these will project as smaller images compared to those of 1600 x 1200.

B – Image Titles/Authorship:  All images must have both clear titles and authors names – in the correct format.  The format is as follows:

OBAN by peter elgar     or

FIRST LIGHT IN VENICE by julie hutson   or

JANET AND JOHN by ann jones ARPS

NB The title of the image must be in capitals as shown above and the “by john smith” must all be in lower case.  The “by” is important – as are the gaps.   All words of a title must be in capitals including words like “in”, “and” or “of” – so “FIRST LIGHT in VENICE” would not be acceptable.    In addition no full stops should be included at all, anywhere.

C – Colour space:  Images should be saved in sRGB colour space so that they display as the correct web colours (jpeg 8 bit Mode) – Compression quality high (eg quality 12 in Photoshop).



   There will be a number of rounds for the competition.  Please refer to the published programme for the number of rounds in a given year. The club year runs from the first Friday following an Annual General Meeting to the next AGM.
Each member may submit up to a maximum of 3 images for each round. Images awarded an A may not be entered a second time either in the Club year or in a subsequent year.  Images awarded  B, C or D may be entered once more during the following club year.
Entered images will be graded A, B, C or D.  The trophy winner will have obtained the highest number of A awards in all rounds held during the year.   In the event of a tie, the number of B, C and, if necessary, D awards shall be taken into consideration to decide the winner.          

In the following competitions members may enter up to 3 images, none of which has been entered previously in the competition.  Where two competitions take place on the same evening, members may enter up to two images in each competition.                                                                                                                                           Competitions will be judged in one of four ways.  The expected method of judging is indicated for each competition below.  The Committee may change the method of judging if, for example, a particular competition is changed from one marked by a judge to one marked by Members.

 A  Each image will be marked out of  20.  The set with the highest aggregate score will win the competition.  

B  Images will be judged individually and 1st 2nd etc will be awarded by a judge.

C  For Knockout style competitions members may be invited to vote by a show of hands. 

D  For Panel style competitions a jury of members may be asked to mark each Panel out of 20.                                                                                                                                                                           

FLORA & FAUNA TROPHY  (Alan Parker Trophy)  The subject matter must be living at the time of taking and the image captured must show the subject in the environment where it was found.   Cloning or transferring a subject into an alternative background or cloning in additional subjects / removing subjects is not permitted.   Processing of the captured image by cropping, exposure adjustment, colour correction, noise minimisation, dodging / burning, focus stacking, HDR and sharpening is allowed.   Minor cloning (image defects and minor distractions) is permitted provided this does not distort the truth of the scene that was captured. (A)


SET SUBJECT   (Colour Set Subject)  The subject will be decided by the Committee, and announced at the AGM preceding the competition. (A)

LAND, SEA AND SKYSCAPE  (Dennis Miller Plate)    The subjects are landscape or seascape or skyscape or in any combination. The objective is to encourage those who have not recently won a major trophy, and consequently those who have won any of the Brigadier Smith, Norman Wilkinson or Cliff Mangan trophies in the current or previous club year are not eligible.  (B)

PORTRAIT COMPETITION* (Portrait Goblet).  (B)

RECORD COMPETITION*  (Record Trophy)   Primarily not a pictorial competition, the objective will be to produce the best “technical record” of an inanimate subject photographed to show detail, form and texture.  Images of any inanimate subject are acceptable.  (A)

CLOSE-UP, STILL LIFE AND TABLE TOP COMPETITION*   ( Gillespie Trophy) The subject for this competition is Table Top or Still Life or Close-Up or in any combination. Each member may submit images, none of which has been entered previously in the competition.  (A)

THE ALMOST THERE COMPETITION*  This competiton is open to members who have not won a PDI trophy in the current or preceding club year.  (A)

BRIGADIER SMITH ROSE BOWL    There is no set subject for this competition.  (A)

KNOCKOUT COMPETITION*    Two images must be submitted which have not been entered in any BDPC competition prior to the current club year. The two images, which need not be related, will be judged individually versus another competitor’s two images.  (C)

PANEL OF THREE PROJECTED IMAGES*   Each member may submit one or two panels of three images. The aim is to display three images with a common theme, eg. a related subject or a sequence.  (D)

CLIFF MANGAN CUP  (Image of the Year)    This competition will be judged at the time of the Brigadier Smith Rose Bowl competition, when the judge will be invited to select the best single image competing in the Rose Bowl.  (A + B)

STREET PHOTOGRAPHY*    Street Photography is spontaneous, often candid, photography of everyday life in public places usually involving people. However, sometimes animals and vehicles are a contributory part.  As well as streets, people in public places include those in stations, on trains and buses, and public buildings. (A)

* These competitions will be held at the discretion of the committee and will be included in the programme as appropriate.