The Rules of the
Brentwood and District Photographic Club
(June 2021)
- Name. The club shall be called the Brentwood and District Photographic Club (the Club)
- Affiliation.The club shall be affiliated to the PAGB through the EAF.
- Objects. The object of the club shall be to encourage and promote amateur photography and
imaging in a friendly and helpful manner, and to organise educational lectures, demonstrations, exhibitions, competitions and other activities.
- Meetings. These shall be held weekly throughout the year unless the committee decides otherwise.
- Membership. The minimum age for membership shall be 14 years. (See rule 14) Adult members must be 18 years old. Honorary members may be appointed at the discretion of the committee. Membership may be suspended or cancelled if a member conducts himself or herself in a manner considered by the committee to be unreasonable.
- Entry to club premises. The committee (or the person conducting any Club meeting) may refuse entry to any person deemed to be behaving unreasonably, or ask any person to leave, if he/she is behaving unreasonably.
- Alteration of rules. The club rules can only be amended at the annual general meeting (AGM) or a special general meeting (SGM). The amended rules shall be the subject of a resolution proposed and seconded by two members. A majority of two-thirds of the members voting will be required to amend the rules. Rule 7 does not apply to the competition rules, which may be amended by the committee without the approval of members.
- Committee. The committee shall comprise the chairman, vice-chairman, secretary, treasurer, programme secretary(ies), print secretary and PDI secretary, who will be elected at the AGM and serve for one year, or until the next AGM. There may also be a president and vice-president appointed by the committee who will serve for two years, the vice-president automatically becoming president, when the president vacates the office. In exceptional cases the committee may invite a president to continue for an additional one year term only, subject to the approval of members at an AGM. The president may attend committee meetings and speak, but not vote on any matter. If the president or chairman resigns from office during the period between AGMs, the vice-president or vice-chairman shall take up the vacant office until the next AGM. Four members of the committee will form a quorum. If a committee position is filled by two members, each shall have a vote and each shall count towards the quorum. The committee may co-opt members if necessary.
- Election of the committee. At not less than four consecutive club meetings prior to the AGM there shall be placed on the club noticeboard a list on which members may propose and second any members who are willing to serve on the committee. In the event of an election being necessary for any committee position, this shall take place at the AGM, and all club members shall be eligible to vote once only at the election of each committee member. The new committee shall assume office at the AGM.
- Committee meetings. The committee shall meet as often as it deems necessary. No notice is required, but the date of the meetings shall be given at a club meeting in time for members to write to the secretary with any matter they wish to raise for consideration by the committee.
- Minutes. Minutes of committee meetings, AGMs and SGMs shall be kept and placed on the club noticeboard as soon as they have been approved.
- Accounts. The club accounts shall be subject to an annual audit by a non-member of the club approved by the committee. The club financial year shall end on August 31st.
- Special General Meeting. An SGM can be called at any time by the committee or by a member who sends a written request signed by not less than one quarter of the members, to the secretary. Twenty-one days’ notice of an SGM must be given, with details of the business of the meeting. Only the business in that notice shall be dealt with at an SGM.
- Subscriptions. The annual subscription shall be fixed at the AGM or an SGM by a majority vote of members. Members aged between 14 and 18 shall pay half the adult subscription. State old age pensioners shall be entitled to a concessionary rate. Members joining part way through the club year will pay a pro-rata amount of the annual subscription. Honorary life members will be allowed free membership. Subscriptions will become due and payable on October 1 each year. Any member not renewing his or her subscription within 30 days (unless he or she satisfied the committee that there is sufficient reason for non-payment) shall be automatically suspended from membership, and this suspension shall operate from the date the subscription became due. No member shall enter for any club competition or exhibition unless his or her subscription has been paid.
- Club Policy. Any statement of club policy relating to any important matter shall only be publicly stated by the chairman with the prior approval of the committee.
- PAGB Policy Guidelines. The Club acknowledges the PAGB Policy Guidelines in relation to ‘Data Protection’, ‘Health and Safety’ and ‘Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults’ issued in February 2015. ( See for the full texts)
The Club seeks to adhere to the eight data protection principles and the advice on stored data as outlined in the PAGB document.
1 Personal data shall be processed fairly and lawfully.
2 Personal data shall be obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purposes.
3 Personal data shall be adequate, relevant and not excessive.
4 Personal data shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date.
5 Personal data shall not be kept for longer than is necessary.
6 Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under the Act.
7 Appropriate measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss, destruction of, or damage to, personal data.
8 Personal data shall not normally be transferred to a country outside the European Economic Area unless there are adequate safeguards.
The Club seeks to adhere to the Health and Safety principles as outlined in the PAGB document in relation to the following.
1 The location of emergency exits, fire extinguishers and first aid
2 The testing of electrical equipment to PAT standard and the use of a RCD.
3 Public Liability Insurance.
The Club is aware of the policy guidelines in relation to :-
1 Indecent images.
2 Whether a vulnerable individual should be accompanied by a parent, legal guardian or responsible adult at a Club event.
3 Taking portraits of vulnerable individuals at club events.
4 Procedures for reporting and handling accusations of abuse.
- Insurance. The club shall maintain a policy of public liability insurance through PAGB or other suitable insurance company.
- Dissolution. The club may be dissolved only with the consent of three-quarters of the members at an SGM called for that purpose. Such meeting shall appoint a liquidator and decide on the disposal of all club funds and assets.